Junior Tennis School A


Older to 4nd grade

Utilization time

Mon / Thu
16:30 - 17:30
16:30 - 17:30
8:50 - 9:50

Monthly membership fee

7,810 yen/month (tax included)

Jr.Tennis School B


Elementary school 4th to 6th grade

Utilization time

Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 17:30-18:30
Saturday and Sunday 7:45-8:45

Monthly membership fee

7,810 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Tennis School C


4th to 6th grade tennis players and junior high school students

Utilization time

Mon/Thu 18:35-19:55
Saturday 11:00-12:20
Sun 8:45-10:05

Monthly membership fee

10,560 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Soccer School C


Year-round to 1st grade

Utilization time

Tue/Fri 15:30-16:20

Monthly membership fee

8,910 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Soccer School B


Elementary school 2th to 3th grade

Utilization time

Tue / Fri 16: 25-17: 25

Monthly membership fee

8,910 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Soccer School A


Elementary school 4th to 6th grade

Utilization time

Tue / Fri 17: 30-18: 50

Monthly membership fee

9,460 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Classical Ballet School (3 years old to 3rd grade: Member)


3 years old to 3rd grade elementary school (member)

Utilization time

Saturday 12:20-13:20
(3 years old and older, preschool children)
Saturday 13:25-14:25
(Elementary school 1st grade to 3rd grade)

Monthly membership fee

7,590 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Classical Ballet School (3 years old to 3rd grade elementary school: general)


3 years old to 3rd grade elementary school (general)

Utilization time

Sat 12:20-13:20
(3 years old and older, preschool children)
Sat 13:25-14:25
(Elementary school 1st to 3rd grade)

Monthly membership fee

8,910 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Classical Ballet School (4th grade to junior high school student: Member)


Elementary school 4th grade to junior high school student (member)

Utilization time

Saturday 14:30-16:00

Monthly membership fee

9,240 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Classical Ballet School (4th grade to junior high school students: general)


Elementary school 4rd grade to junior high school student

Utilization time

Saturday 14:30-16:00

Monthly membership fee

10,560 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. rhythmic gymnastics school


Preschool children aged 3 and over to junior high school students

Utilization time

Monday 15:30-16:30/Saturday 16:10-17:10 (Pre-school children over 3 years old)
Monday 18:30-19:30/Saturday 19:30-20:30 (5th grade to junior high school students)

Monthly membership fee

9,020 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Golf School


Seniors to 3rd year junior high school students

Utilization time

Thursday 16:00-16:50/16:50-17:40
Friday 16:30-17:20
Saturday 10:00-10:50
Sun 9:00-9:50

Monthly membership fee

10,890 yen/month (tax included)

Jr. Karate School


Elementary school children aged 4 and over

Utilization time

Thursday 16:15-17:15 (Beginners: Mainly for preschoolers aged 4 and over)
Thursday 17:25-18:25 (intermediate level: mainly for elementary school students)
Thursday 18:35-19:35 (advanced)

Monthly membership fee

9,020 yen/month (tax included)

contact the club

Central Fitness Club 24 Musashikosugi


WEB membership information

If you would like to join
It is possible to make a reservation for admission from the WEB.
The procedure at the store becomes easy and it is very convenient!