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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Fitness Club Shonan Hiratsuka
Instructor (Fitness) Recruitment details

Job Description Swimming instruction (experienced applicants preferred), pool supervision, administrative and cleaning duties
Salary Hourly salary 1300 yen ~
Training (about 100 hours) will be 1170 yen per hour.
Location Hiratsuka-shi Takaracho 3-1 MN Plaza 4F
1 minute walk from the north exit of Hiratsuka Station on the JR Tokaido Line ●Once you exit the ticket gate at the north exit, turn left, go down the stairs and turn right.Proceed along the rotary, see Matsumotokiyoshi and XNUMX-Eleven on your right, and cross the pedestrian crossing.Our club reception is on the XNUMXth floor of the elevator on the right side between VidoFrance (bakery) and MUFG Bank. ●Free bicycle parking!Bikes are OK too! ●Affiliated parking lots: MN building parking lot, Mitsui Repark parking lot, Takahashi parking lot For detailed parking information, please see Topics or contact our club.
Qualifications 18 years old or older (high school students are not allowed)
Recruiting students and housewives!
Beginners welcome!
It's a great place to work with lots of women! !
Working hours Weekdays 8:00-22:30
Saturday 8:00-20:30
Sunday 8:00-19:30
1 days X NUMX hours or more
You can work from 2 days a week!
Service period We are looking for people who can work long term (1 year or more).
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, bike commuting allowed, workplace sports facilities available
Person in charge
0463-21-2300 Contact: Yokoyama
Store details
Remarks You can use sports facilities for free outside working hours!

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