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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club Omori
Reception (front staff) Recruitment details

Job Description machine gym instruction
pool monitoring
Studio lesson
Kids school (swimming, physical education, dance)
In-house cleaning and sterilization work
In-house guidance and reception of various procedures, etc.
* In principle, we will be hiring as a hybrid staff.
We are looking for people who can play an active role as club staff.
*If you are also able to clean early in the morning (6: 00-9: 00) using a polisher, etc., the hourly wage for that time will be 1,500 yen.
Salary Hourly wage: 1250 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1200 yen and up
Hourly wage 1200 yen during training *Hourly wages on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays after training are all increased by 100 yen.
Location 1F icot Omori, 8-2-5 Omorikita, Ota-ku
JR京浜東北線大森駅東口より徒歩3分 (東口を出て右手の階段を降り、ファミリーマートと大和証券ビルの間を抜けると向かいに当クラブが見えます) 京急線大森海岸駅改札口より徒歩10分 (改札を出て右に進み直進します。イトーヨーカドーやベルポートを通過し、五差路も道なりに直進すると左手に当クラブが見えます) ●共用駐車場(ダイヤパークicot駐車場)(30台) 別途有料 ※会員:通常30分250円のところ200円。 ●共用駐輪場(icot大森地上・地下駐輪場) 地上駐輪場1時間まで無料(以降3時間毎に100円) 地下駐輪場3時間まで無料(以降3時間毎に100円)
Qualifications Healthy, interested in sports, and fond of serving customers
Working hours Tue-Fri 9:00-23:00
Sat 8:30-20:30
Sundays and public holidays 8: 30-19: 30
Consultation about working hours
Service period Healthy, cheerful, interested in sports, and fond of serving customers
18 years old or older (high school students are not allowed)
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, pay raise available, use of workplace sports facilities, social insurance (depending on working hours and days), etc.
Person in charge
TEL: 03-5753-5211
Store details
Remarks Preferential treatment for those who can work on Saturdays and Sundays

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