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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club 24 Kashiwa
Instructor (Fitness) Recruitment details

Job Description Gym instruction, studio lesson instruction, pool supervision, facility management, etc.
Salary Hourly wage: 1200 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1100 yen and up
Location 6F, 1-5 Suehirocho, Kashiwa City
JR常磐線・東武野田線 柏駅西口 徒歩3分 高島屋前の道路を国道6号方面へ直進。 クレストホテルの向かいとなります。 駐車場(116台)2時間まで100円(以降30分毎に100円) 駐輪場(152台)バイク19台(125cc以下16台・125cc以上3台) 自転車・バイク3時間まで無料(以降8時間毎に100円) ※125cc以上3台駐車スペースあり
Qualifications Those who are interested in exercising, those who like to serve customers
*Inexperienced instructors are also welcome
Working hours Mon 9:00-17:00 *Swimming lessons and cleaning in the building
Tuesday to Friday 8:00 to 23:00 *Fitness machine instruction, pool supervision, facility management, etc.
Sat. 8:00-20:30 *Fitness machine instruction, pool supervision, kids school instruction, facility management, etc.

Working hours and days are negotiable (fixed shifts on certain days of the week).
Service period Preference will be given to those who can work for more than 1 year.
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, commuting by car allowed, use of workplace sports facilities available, social insurance available (depending on working hours and days)
Person in charge
Person in charge: Yabuki

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