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Job Description | Reception and administrative work Member check-in/check-out support, various payment support, various procedures such as enrollment/withdrawal, guidance for children at kids school, etc. |
Salary | Hourly wage: 1100 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1100 yen and up |
Location |
One's Mall 330F, 50-3 Naganuma-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi 『車でのアクセス』 ・京葉道路「穴川IC」より国道16号を八千代方面に1.8㎞ ・東関東自動車道「千葉北IC」より国道16号を千葉方面に1.8㎞ ★【無料】駐車場1,500台完備★ (ワンズモール共用) (立体駐車場高さ制限2.3m以下) お車でのご来館がオススメ! 『近隣からのアクセス』 ★【無料】駐輪場完備★ バイクも無料! 『路線バスでのアクセス』 ●JR『稲毛駅』東口1番・2番乗り場より、京成バス稲01系統「あやめ台団地経由 草野車庫行き」、稲02「こてはし団地行き」にて「ワンズモール」バス停下車徒歩1分 (所要25分) ●京成線・東葉高速線『勝田台駅』南口1番乗り場より、千葉内陸バス勝22系統「スポーツセンター行き」・4番乗り場よりK23系統み春野経由「スポーツセンター行き」にて「ワンズモール」バス停下車徒歩1分 (所要20分) |
Qualifications | Cheerful and energetic, who love to serve customers Those who are considerate of their colleagues and can work as a team |
Working hours | Mon-Fri 10:00-23:00 Wed 15:00〜19:00 Sat 10:00-20:30 Sundays and public holidays 10: 00-19: 30 Rotation system Work hours negotiable |
Service period | Those who can do it for a long time Preference will be given to those who can work after 15:00. Those who can work nights are most welcome. |
Treatment | Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, motorcycle commuting allowed, car commuting allowed, workplace sports facilities available, social insurance provided (depending on working hours and days) |
Person in charge Contact |
Person in charge Tanaka Phone number 043-215-2615 E-Mail cw-naganuma@central.co.jp |
Store details 情报 |
https://www.central.co.jp/club/naganuma/index.html |
Remarks | If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. |
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