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Job Description | School guidance and assistant for infants and children. ☆Events: swimming, physical education (gymnastics), dance |
Salary | Hourly wage: 1170 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1170 yen and up For those with experience, hourly wage is 1130-1200 yen (training period required) |
Location |
1162-7 Ichigao-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi 東急田園都市線 市が尾駅西口より 徒歩5分 ※市が尾駅、江田駅より無料シャトルバス運行中(平日のみ) (時刻など詳細はお問合わせください) ・全76台 市ヶ尾会員 2時間まで無料(以降30分毎に200円) マスター区分は3時間まで無料(以降30分毎200円) ※メンバーコースにより、有料となる場合がございます。 ※他クラブ会員、フィットネス体験、及び上記以外の場合は、200円/30分となります。 無料駐輪場あり バイクも無料 |
Qualifications | healthy and bright.Those who like children. Experience preferred.Inexperienced person OK. Twice a week is OK. |
Working hours | Monday-Friday 15:00-18:30 Saturday 8:00-10:30 14:00-18:30 Sundays and public holidays 8:00-11:30 |
Service period | long term welcome |
Treatment | Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, pay raise available, bike commuting allowed, use of workplace sports facilities available, social insurance available (depending on working hours and days) |
Person in charge Contact |
Person in charge: Yamazaki Phone: 045-974-1992 E-Mail: cf-ichigao@central.co.jp |
Store details 情报 |
https://www.central.co.jp/club/ichigao/index.html |
Remarks |
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