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Central Wellness Club 24 Suminoe
Reception (front staff) Recruitment details

Job Description Reception work
Salary Hourly salary 1120 yen ~
1120 yen during the training period
Location 1-1-21 Nishisuminoe, Suminoe Ward, Osaka City
[By train or on foot] 1 minute walk from Nankai Main Line Suminoe Station underpass (Exit the ticket gate, go down the stairs on the right, go straight to the Suminoe Ekimae Clinic on the right, and the 100-yen shop Watts on the left, and go straight for about 30 seconds. There is an entrance at.) [By car] If you park at Nankai Parking Suminoe Station from the west side of the elevated Nankai Main Line Suminoe Station, it will be free for up to 4 hours.
Qualifications Healthy, interested in sports, and fond of serving customers
Working hours Mon-Fri 8:00-22:30
Saturday 8:30-20:30
Sundays and holidays 9:00-19:30
* Negotiable regarding working hours
Service period long
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, use of workplace sports facilities
Person in charge
Telephone number: 06-6671-1051
Store details

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