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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Fitness Club Chiba Minato
Instructor (Fitness) Recruitment details

Job Description Gym/Pool Warden Others
Salary Hourly wage: 1100 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1080 yen and up
Experience preferential treatment
Location Chiba Port Town 1F, 50-7 Tonya-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi
JR京葉線:千葉みなと駅 千葉港方面出口より 徒歩10分 千葉都市モノレール:市役所前駅 2番出口より徒歩5分 京成線:千葉中央駅 西口より徒歩10分 ※駐車場完備 (千葉ポートタウン共有駐車場) 1100台(車高2.1m未満) 3時間まで無料(以降30分毎に200円) (17:00以降22:00までは無料) ※バイク二輪車駐車場完備 ※自転車駐輪場完備
Qualifications No experience required (our training system available)
18 years old or older (high school students are not allowed)
Working hours Weekdays 9:00-23:00
Saturday 8:00-21:00
Sunday 8:00-20:00
*From 2 days a week, from 1 hours a day, negotiable 
Closed on Wednesdays 
Service period long
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, car commuting allowed, workplace sports facilities available
Person in charge
Phone number 043-245-6161
Please contact us by phone to book an interview date.
Store details

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