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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Fitness Club Komaki
Instructor (Kids School) Recruitment details

Job Description Kids swimming school instruction assistant
Adult swim lesson teaching assistant
Salary Hourly wage: 1100 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1080 yen and up
Weekends: plus 100 yen
Location 1-260 Chuo, Komaki City Meitetsu Komaki Station Building 2F
・名鉄小牧線小牧駅 徒歩0分 ・名鉄小牧ホテル内2階 ・駐車場は建物北側に隣接「名鉄協商パーキング200台」が便利です ・フィットネス会員様は通常60分200円を120分以内は100円に割引 ・スクール会員様は60分200円を90分100円に割引 ・上記時間を超える場合は30分毎に50円を頂戴致します ・駐輪場は市営無料駐輪場か有料の名鉄協商駐輪場(1日50円)をご利用下さい。
Qualifications Those who can work for more than 1 year
Working hours Including 15:00 to 19:00 hours, negotiable
Service period long
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, motorcycle commuting allowed, car commuting allowed, workplace sports facilities available, social insurance provided (depending on working hours and days)
Person in charge
Front middle (Maenaka)
Store details

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