Part-time RecruitingRecruitment contents

Part-time job recruitment
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Central Fitness Club Utsunomiya
Reception (front staff) Recruitment details

Job Description Guidance, various receptions, telephone correspondence, clerical work, etc.
Salary Hourly wage: 1040 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1010 yen and up
*Various allowances available
Location Utsunomiya City Ekimae-dori 1-4-6 West Exit Building 10F
JR宇都宮線 宇都宮駅 西口徒歩2分 トナリエ宇都宮10F ■駐車場(駐車場サービス付き当クラブ会員・法人会員・スクール保護者の送迎に限り西口ビル駐車場2~3時間まで無料。有料の場合は30分200円) ■駐輪場(トナリエ宇都宮1F/最初の3時間無料→Aエリア3時間ごと100円 Bエリア9時間ごと100円
Qualifications People who are bright and energetic and like to interact with people
Working hours Weekdays 9:30-22:30
Sat 8:00-21:30
Sundays and holidays 8:30-19:30
Service period Long term (6 months or more)
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, motorcycle commuting possible, car commuting possible, social insurance provided (depending on working hours and days)
Person in charge
Person in charge: Akiko Suzuki
Phone: 028-627-1321
Store details

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