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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Fitness Club 24 Megumino
Reception (front staff) Recruitment details

Job Description ・Serving customers at the front desk
・Various reception duties
・Clerical work using a computer
・Simple document creation, etc.
Salary Hourly wage: 1010 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1010 yen and up
Location 1-2-1 Megino Satomi, Eniwa City
A 5-minute walk from JR Chitose Line Megumino Station West Exit! Across from DCM Eniwa
Qualifications Those who are healthy, those who like sports, and those who like customer service are welcome.
Working hours Weekdays 8:45-22:15
Saturday 8:15-19:45
Sundays and holidays 8:15-18:15
Service period long
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, motorcycle commuting allowed, car commuting allowed, use of workplace sports facilities available, social insurance available (depending on working hours and days), etc.
Person in charge
Morii in charge
Store details

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