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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club 24 Kamiikebukuro
Instructor (Kids School) Recruitment details

Job Description Junior swim, gymnastics, dance coach
Salary Hourly wage: 1210 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1170 yen and up
Location 1-37-162-5F, Kamiikebukuro, Toshima-ku
JR山手線大塚駅北口を出て左へ商店街を通り直進徒歩10分 東武東上線北池袋改札を出て右へ明治通り方面へ直進徒歩10分 都電荒川線巣鴨新田駅より宮仲公園通りへ出て右折徒歩7分 都営三田線西巣鴨A3出口より明治通り沿い大正大学前を通り徒歩15分 JR埼京線板橋駅東口より徒歩15分 駐車場36台:有料(会員1時間100円以降30分毎に100円) 駐輪場184台:無料 スーパーピーコック上、3Fが受付
Qualifications Many housewives, students and freeters are active!
Working hours Weekdays 14:00-19:00 (Baby class available in the morning)
Saturday 11:00-18:00
Sunday 8:30-13:30
*Closed every Tuesday.
*Negotiable within hours
Service period 6 month or more
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, pay raise available, use of workplace sports facilities
Person in charge
Person in charge: Sato
Phone 03-5961-7730
Please contact the person in charge.
Store details

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