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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club Naruse
Other occupations Recruitment details

Job Description Cleaning for preparation for business in the building, cleaning for maintenance during business
Salary Hourly wage: 1200 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1180 yen and up
Location 2-28-1 Narusegaoka, Machida City
1 minute walk from the South Exit of Naruse Station on the JR Yokohama Line. *After exiting the ticket gate, go right, go up the stairs (or elevator), and then go right along the road in front of you. You will see the club beyond the next intersection (where there is a XNUMX-Eleven). *If you are using the parking lot, please present your parking ticket from the affiliated paid parking lot at the front desk. You can check the map of parking lots eligible for discounts on the [Facility Introduction] page.
Qualifications People who like cleanliness
Working hours Early morning cleaning in preparation for opening: Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, 7:00-10:00. Days will be decided in consultation with existing staff.
Service period For long-term guests, please enter the locker area and spa area while they are open to refill body soap and shampoo.
Please note.
Initially, you will be taught the work of existing staff.
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, pay raise available, use of workplace sports facilities
Person in charge
Person in charge: Matsushita
Telephone number: 042-788-1300
Store details

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