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Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club Tenjin Solaria
Reception (front staff) Recruitment details

Job Description Reception work
Customer service/telephone support
simple office work
Salary Hourly wage: 1050 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1050 yen and up
With salary increase
Location 2-2-43 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City Solaria Plaza 10F
Nishitetsu Omuta Line Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station North Exit Solaria Plaza Exit Directly connected Subway Tenjin Station Central ticket gate West Exit 1 10 minute walk Our club is located on the XNUMXth floor of Solaria Plaza. (Please use the Solaria Plaza Central Elevator to get up.) ★Affiliated Parking Lot (XNUMX-hour service ticket distribution) Solaria Terminal Parking Lot The XNUMXth floor of the parking lot building and the XNUMXth floor of Solaria Plaza are directly connected by a connecting walkway.
Qualifications Over 18 years old
Those who are expected to work for more than 1 year
Inexperienced people OK (Central sports training system available)
Working hours Mon-Fri 9:00-23:30 negotiable
Saturday 8:00-21:00 negotiable
Sundays and public holidays 8:00-20:00 negotiable
Service period Work from 2 days a week, time slot negotiable
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, pay raise available, bike commuting allowed, use of workplace sports facilities available, social insurance available (depending on working hours and days)
Person in charge
Store details

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