Part-time RecruitingRecruitment contents

Part-time job recruitment
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Central Wellness Club Seijo
Other occupations Recruitment details

Job Description Cleaning staff
Salary Hourly wage: 1200 yen and up Training hourly wage (approximately 100 hours): 1170 yen and up
Location Setagaya-ku Chitosedai 3-20-2 Carino Chitosedai
小田急線千歳船橋駅北口 徒歩15分 小田急バス 千歳船橋駅発成城学園駅行き 成城警察署または、千歳台3丁目バス停下車 徒歩1分 ◆駐車場(227台) 2時間まで:100円(以降30分毎:100円) ※ウェルネスコース区分は、割引特典あり(2時間無料) ※平日19:00以降ご入館の場合:2時間無料 ◆無料駐輪場有 バイクも無料
Qualifications Long term residents are welcome
Working hours 1 hours a day ~
Two days a week is also welcome
Service period long
Treatment Uniform rental, full payment of transportation expenses, training system available, salary increase available, bike commuting allowed, workplace sports facilities available
Person in charge
Store details

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