Keep your mind and body healthy while having fun
Club information/Access
- Central Sports Club Sano
- Location
2143-2, Kamidaicho, Sano-shi, TochigiTEL: 0283-20-1477
- Access
0 minute walk from Tobu Sano Line Sano-shi Station
◆ Parking lot (XNUMX cars) free
◆ Free bicycle parking lot (motorcycles are also free)
- Opening hours
Weekdays 10:00 (procedures/telephone support 11:00-20:30) - 21:30
Saturday 9:00 (procedures/telephone support 10:00-19:30) - 20:30
Sun 9:00 (procedures/telephone support 10:00-17:30) - 18:30
Holidays 9:00 (procedures and phone calls 10:00-17:30) - 18:30
- Close
Closed every Monday and seasonally